Paintings By Jean Caroline Harlow

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~ Jean Caroline Harlow ~

August 4th, 1928 ~ March 6th 2011

This website, once a celebration, now stands as a tribute to Ms. Harlow's most interesting eighty two years of life, and nearly thirty years of original artwork. The last weeks of her time in this form here on earth were spent as she wanted them to be - in her own home in the East San Francisco Bay Area of Hercules, California.

Along her departing journey, she was surrounded by visiting friends & neighbors, and very loving family members who read to her, sang to her, listened to her stories, and helped her exit be as peaceful and loving as possible.

Her legacy continues to live on her life's work of art, and her five children, ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren, many of whom are also writers, artists and musicians.

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PLEASE NOTE: We are currently expanding this website to include a greater breadth of Ms. Harlow's life story and work. We hope you will check back soon to learn more about this extraordinary woman.


With an undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley, and a Master's Degree in Museum Studies, Ms. Harlow offered a series of slide show presentations and lectures, each about an hour long. She gave these presenations at schools, libraries and churches, as well as to private groups around the Bay Area. She inspired many people in this, one of her greatest passions - American Art History. Her available lectures were as follows:
  1. Portrait Painting in America
  2. Landscape Painting in America
  3. Genre Painting in America
  4. Comparison of the Great Artists: James McNeal Whistle, Thomas Eakins, and Winslow Homer
  5. Madonna and Child
  6. Painters of the Indians in America; 1830-1835; George Catlin, Carl Bodner, and Alfred Jacob Miller
  7. The First Artists in Yosemite: Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Hill


Until her recent death, most paintings found on this website were available for sale. They have now been moved to private collections. However, inquires, questions or commments regarding Ms. Harlow's work may still be addressed to: We will return your email as quickly as possible. Thank you.


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